Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Current Activity Update

One: The Movie
Excited to be on the camera crew team for the feature film production 'One: The Movie'. Filming starts 22nd of March and continues through until end of August 2013.

Working with comedian/writer Eddie Brown on his mockumentary pilot 'Scabs'. The pilot introduces Scabs, a middle aged punk with a deluded mission to bring exposure to a non-exsistent and out of date punk movement in Bath Spa. Screen tests complete, filming commences soon.

The Murmur
Behind the scenes footage of two improv workshops and audition processes for stage production 'The Murmur' now archived. Writing continues while I work on other projects.

Victor & The Lamb
2 Bee Productions, my a.k.a is producing the short film production 'Victor & The Lamb'. A phycological sci-fi following introverted teenager Darren's love story with punk activist anarchist Kelly. At the same time Darren is presented with two conflicting realities and has to make life changing choices through the chaos that ensues. Crowd funding campaign commences soon. Filming starts May 18th 2013.

New Political Project
Will be creating video content for a new website. The intention, to get the younger and older generation of Somerset into the same room through live events, website/blog, online videos and social media. This will be a non-biased and current political affairs open platform that discusses what proactive changes could be made within the government for a better future.

Blog posts and updates for each activity and project coming soon.

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